Last updated on October 17, 2024
Zdenko Ivanušić – Lost In HTML
This album is not available in its original format anymore, but there is a reissue which differs a little from the original release.
Zdenko Ivanušić – alto (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10) and tenor saxophone (1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10)
Davor Dedić – keyboards and piano (all except 6 and 10)
Goran Rukavina – acoustic bass (4, 5, 7, 8, 9)
Bruno Domiter – drums (4, 5, 7, 8, 9)
Robert Lajić – electric bass and drums
programming (1, 2, 3, 6, 10)
Antonio Geček – trumpet (2, 3, 6, 10)
Andrej Henigman – baritone saxophone (2, 3, 6, 10)
Ante Prgin – electric guitar (2)
All songs composed and arranged by Zdenko Ivanušić except Replay Blues composed by Robert Lajić, arranged by Zdenko Ivanušić and Lost in HTML Remix composed by Zdenko Ivanušić, arranged by Zdenko Ivanušić and Robert Lajić
Recorded at Replay Studio by Robert Lajić – additional brass recording at Levi Sound Room by Ivan Levačić (1, 2, 3, 6, 10), and live in CZKIO Susedgrad (4, 5, 7, 8, 9,) by Krešimir Petar Pustički
Mixing and mastering at Studio Smokva
Producers: Dragutin Smokrović Smokva and Robert Lajić
Co-Producer: Zdenko Ivanušić
Cover design: Marko Gaćina
Executive Producer: Zdenko Ivanušić
Catalogue No. CD – 022007
Released at Zivaldo Music January 15, 2007
- Here And There
- Done
- Replay Blues
- Bigwig
- Four Odd
- Lost in HTML
- Always My Love
- Simple Waltz
- Light-Hearted
- Lost in HTML Remix
- John Kelman @
The fall of the USSR in 1991 and resultant dissolution of Yugoslavia have resulted in a groundswell of musical creativity that’s becoming increasingly apparent to the rest of the western world. In many cases, music has gone from underground subversion to mainstream art form–good news for the musicians and, based on Croatian saxophonist Zdenko Ivanušić’s Lost in Html, good for everyone … more - Scott Albin @
“Four Odd” allows him to stretch out impressively on alto. A loping waltz-like bassline and martial drum rhythm sets up Ivanušić’s playing of the ethereal, mystical-sounding theme. His somewhat dry timbre is remindful of Greg Osby and/or Steve Coleman. He develops his absorbing solo at a deliberate pace to start, but his singing lines gradually accelerate and are soon interspersed with passionate, dissonant cries … more - Edward Blanco @
“Lost In HTML” is truly an unexpected musical treasure, a gem of a recording if I ever heard one. Zdenko Ivanusic may not be familiar to the average jazz audience, but this album, his cleaver charts and a marvelous performance on the reeds, has succeeded in winning over this jazz critic after only one listen … more - Pavle Vukšić @
Obzirom na sve navedeno, nije teško zaključiti kako je “Lost in HTML” sam po sebi u nezavidnoj poziciji, poziciji debut-solo albuma glazbenika od čijeg je stvarnog početka prošlo veoma mnogo vremena, akumuliralo se mnoštvo tvrdokornih iskustava i nakupilo dosta glazbenog materijala u suradnji s najrazličitijim sastavima … more - Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck @
Zdenko Ivanusic provides a nice blend of contemporary smooth jazz combined with a modern fusion and improvisation, which for this listener is the best of both worlds. “Lost In HTML” is a first-rate group of tracks dipping into the well of the future in many ways then looking back to the past for inspiration in the same instance … more - Jerko Valdevit @
The music on this album isn’t typically mainstream – instead, it offers a contemporary spin, combining elements of funk and electronic music, as well as ballads and inescapable blues. This is precisely what I’d stress as a strongpoint of this CD: diversity that can pleasantly surprise you … more - Davor Hrvoj @ Novi List Online
After the 2002 release of “Four Odd”, recorded with the Donna Lee Saxophone Quartet, saxophone player Zdenko Ivanusic has released a second album Zivaldo Records label, the first one to be released under his own name. In the recording of nine of his own compositions and “Replay Blues” by Robert Lajić, Ivanusic was joined by longtime fellow band members from the HGM Jazz Orchestra … more